Seven Key Mistakes Personal Injury and Accident Victims Make When Trusting A Modern-Day Goliath
Mistake #1: Providing statements
As we have stated repeatedly, a personal injury and bodily injury insurance adjuster may try all sorts of ploys, tactics and psychological tricks to try to get you to talk about your personal injury and accident case. But much like how reality television producers take reality contestants’ statements out of context to tell a good story, so too will insurance companies twist and contort what you say to a personal injury and bodily injury insurance adjuster to serve the company’s interest not yours.
Remember that Goliath and his defense lawyers will twist your words to suit their needs not yours. For instance, say you say something innocuous to an insurance company representative like, “I got into an car accident before with a driver you insure.” Goliath and his team can even use something that generic to make it look like you caused the automobile crash! Yes, it sounds absurd. It sounds manipulative. But Goliath, as we have seen, is a master of manipulation when it comes to accepting full responsibility at the expense of good, honest, hardworking personal injury and accident victims.
Personal injury and bodily injury insurance adjusters also record conversations they have with you after a personal injury and accident. Sometimes they tell you, and sometimes they don not. Many times they record early on at a time where you don not even know the extent of your personal injuries and bodily injuries. To avoid all these problems, don not talk about the accident or your personal injuries and bodily injuries with a personal injury and bodily injury insurance adjuster or other insurance company representative. Refer Goliath to your personal injury attorney or wrongful death lawyer, who knows how to handle the giant effectively.
Don not give yourself extra work or extra headaches – use your personal injury attorney or wrongful death lawyer as a shield to deflect this Goliath sucker punch.
Be sure to read about Mistake #2 in our next post in this series
Aaron Gartlan is a graduate of Troy University and the Thomas Goode Jones School of Law who focuses his practice exclusively on representing those injured by the wrongdoing of others. He is member of the National Trial Lawyers Association’s Top 100 Trial Lawyers, Million Dollar Advocates Forum and Multi-Million Dollar Advocates Forum. In addition to his legal practice, Aaron teaches Business Law as an adjunct instructor at Troy University’s Sorrell College of Business and serves as a field artillery sergeant in the Alabama National Guard.